Off-Key Continuities: Audiovisual Interventions by the Video Bands Metamkine and Granular Synthesis
Even after years of terminological presence it remains difficult to pin down what a VJ does, what makes one a VJ, what legitimises a VJ, what a VJ is. Depending on the context, the terms »VJ« and »VJing« are used in such heterogeneous frameworks and are associated with such an array of different fields of activities that it would take several chapters merely to explain the term »VJing« and its nature.
This text, however, attempts to create an audiovisual dispositive which departs from common designations for VJs, and instead takes a detour around so-called video bands to display the many possibilities for novel audiovisual live art. This will be exemplified by Metamkine from France and Granular Synthesis from Austria.
Text originally published Nov. 2006 for VJ Theory;
Heinrich Deisl