
30. Nickelsdorfer Konfrontationen 10.~12. July 2009

The preoccupation with contemporary music is for 30 years program of the Nickelsdorfer Konfrontationen. Here an music-interested public comes together, which is hungry on new stories, which by international musicians and artists in most diverse clay/tone languages are told.

 Based on the freejazzscene of the 70s and since then the Jazzgalerie Nickeldorf is a place which experiments with contemporary music currents. Each success always have been stimulated to work further in this direction. One never rested one\’s laurels but continued to present maximum topicality. Sometimes the public had to be convinced only, because the straight decision to connect jazz with electronic music became the milestone, which led to hard and controverial discussions. A discussion, which is simply inconceivable today. The mark „Konfrontationen“ is divergent, it is not promissing hits, which can be repeated innumerable times – it offers separate hearing experiences, in which one gets involved here and now. Singular hearing experiences, brachial or quietly or both, which are stored in the own senses – until it is so far in the next year again.
Here, we thank again the friends and promoters of the Jazzgalerie Nickelsdorf, which benefit us 2008 with world-wide concerts (Vienna, Cologne, Chicago, Berlin …) and made it possible that it the "30. Nickelsdorfer Konfrontationen" takes place.  

The confrontations 2009 write since 30 years music history – which applies it there still to topp? To permit except itself the luxury to present also this year again great musicians.
We proudly present again and again –
the program of the 30. Nickelsdorfer Konfrontationen. www.konfrontationen.at

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Nickelsdorfer Konfrontationen




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