Mari Boine

»It ain't necessarily Evil«

American Recordings/Universal

I feel a bit like arriving in the middle of a familly dinner, while I play that album. First I have no clue to the »Vol. 1«, not much more to Boine’s latest releases and even further less to what a »remix« album can look like this year. »While It Gently Whispers …« is generally the pitch on that album, but don’t get me wrong, it’s very pleasant to get whistled and whispered in the ears, in this case. Some of the songs are not without reminding me to Pat Metheny’s production for Polish singer Ana-Maria Jopek, though (and I don’t judge it, at all, and by far), except that it’s a little more ice-frozen produced while in Oslo, here. What can I say: for the Boine’s fans it’s probably a real good issue, and for the ignorants like me here it’s also a fair and honest album. Not less, not more.


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