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Three of a Kind

Remember 1985: In the 2000's a lot of art forms have been facing a liftingin order to hide the fact that they weren't anything esle but a revivalism and a merchandise. To return is not somthing you partcularly want to do unless you have exciting places to depart to.

I can’t answer this, the question remains intimate, the answer comes by each individual. Well, the Gipsy Django Tradition has had the same problems. Should we carry on as the parody of the master s voice or should we risk something else ? In 1985 Producer J-M Salhani got the idea to marry and confront three unique and wide players who all had feet in the Manouche Tradition but always needed to reinvent it or transend it. Christian Escoudé is probably one of the most adventurous be-bop guitar player still today, Boulou Ferré certainly the most versatile and virtuoso ( since his first albums at age of 14 as an acclaimed early genius ) and Babik, Django’s son, a very particular player who for long escaped the tradition and ist legacy by using fusion music forms. Just three guitars, three voices, three masters and so much music. It would be stupid to say they re playing what Django might have done but it definetely has the same density and enlightment has when he turned on the electric guitar at the very end of his life. It s not to be compared anyway but just to be shared. Here is a great album, a classic already, for us who likes to keep going. Something for you.

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Noël Akchoté




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