
Mort aux Vaches


Zeitkratzer is a sort of acoustic chamber orchestra playing a music I hardly could describe. What should we say? Dadaistic improvised and orchestrated group? Whatever, the record goes up to index 50, each track is very short (19 seconds to 1 minute 40 ) and I‘ m giving myself more time to listen and think about it. It is pretty empty by all means but is that intended? Would that change something if it was? To give you a sound I could name some instruments: violins, cello, bass, accordion, tuba, voice, percussion. It also says Franz Hautzinger: voice, but he remains in the band with it. The record sleeve is made of the same
material you use for these gamblings you buy at the Tabak and you need to scratch to see if you got something. So that even before I listened to the album I sort of lost it cause I could not read anything on it. Do I need also to scratch the CD to get the music under? It seems like I am maybe missing the whole point of it. Heard just like that it’s a very usual chamber quiet orchestral improvish album. Just another one.


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