Yes, yes and yes! Some people often heard me talking about Julio Iglesias with large smile on the face (even wet eyes …) and I guess it?s time now to give a few explanations. He is a major interpret in all senses of the term. Very unique voice, amazing sense of time and dynamics (you should see how he?s mastering levels with the microphone in the hand ), and so good at playing with emotions. Listen also how he takes lyrics, literally flying, from one part to another of the song. It is impossible to miss such an artist and master when you really like crooners and singers! (Wait a second: aren?t Demis Roussos, Louie Austen or Dean Martin from the same family?). I personally don?t like him, I enjoy and respect him very much. Ask women of all generations and stop listening to poor little rockers or snobish jerks telling how ridiculous he is … better start to listen and dance to Julio, you?ll see your life changing in a song (and please go to sell your crap teenage gothic records!). We need the best, here it is! PS: I would as well easily argue and give strong proofs to people saying the texts are stupid … (of course they are not!).

Julio Iglesias
Sono un Pirata, Sono un signore

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