Michal Jacaszek


Gusstaff Records/Baked Goods

The sheet says he is an important producer of avantgarde electronics in Poland. It?s of course, or as one would have expected, pretty churchy religious sounding, but all very seriously written and recorded. To be honest it?s very Penderecki in it?s core I find. Music to raise towards »the unique« and »un-named«, very holy-gothic but catholicwise it?s also made to make you feel how heavy the sin is on us. And it isn?t neo at all, it?s really in the tradition, the one that never ceased, nor will, it seems, in Poland of »soul music«. An amazing strong work indeed, although I would suggest you keep the album on the desk for a while and think about it first until you find the right moment to listen to it, otherwise chances are to miss the whole point. Great, thanks (Not available in Muslim outifts).


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