Wanda Jackson

»The Party Ain't Over«


Wanda Jackson already belongs to the Americana hall of fame, in the early rock ?n‘ roll and country section (along Buddy Holly, Carl Perkins, Elvis or Little Richard). She comes back here in a now common »diggin‘ from ya grave« production of the also pretty known and talked about Jack White III (Heavy Surfer’s Tremolos, Juicy Theremin & Quentin Tarantino’s style). But the overall immediate sound of such production actually doesn’t amount much further than an average 3 hours session back in the days. Listening to it right now I started to wonder if Wanda is actually still alive or some cleaned vocals have been sucked out of earlier sessions to redo the music around. It’s as great to hear her again as it is pathetic to think of such nostalgias. Good & Bad, all at once: Tuttee Fruttee …


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