The format is a form of a release, or at least it seems to be structuring something inside the project. »Studio-Analogique-Numérique«, titled in french here due to the Montréal based label, are indeed three different mini-CDs »boxed« in one lonely album. »Studio« means here the first basic improv duet session recorded (CD# 1), and reprocessed later by each player into two other discs and as indicated, filed under technical terms. Knowing the costs, and the average possible sales of such objects too, I’m still looking for a deeper reason to do so (at least a meaning). But this music is already partly an investigated process where such technical matters are the diverted core of it for good or wrong purposes (consider it equal). »Studio« is what you could happily expect from manipulated objects (turntables, electronics, etc.), in the hands of such artists and from a semi live session. »Analogique« (by Tétréault), and »Numérique« (by Yoshihide) are both said to be made out of what has been left from the same first original session and not selected for good on the first CD. So that »Numérique« is indeed more sharp, edited and cuted in a computer-like quicky way and »Analogique« more attached to the rhythms and sounds of the old tape-like idea we more or less all have of such things (how they run). And my proto-muddy-description-review does, yes, reflect what I’ve heard in the box (though, with much respect for it’s actors and a general high idea of their work). Once again: all genres could do much better with the help of a producer. Why not just one CD then?

Otomo Yoshihide/Martin Tetréault
Ambiances Magnétiques
Noël Akchoté
Ambiances Magnétiques
Otomo Yoshihide/Martin Tetréault

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