It became so seldom that the classical music marketing and industry finds in one same artist (and person?), a good product as much as an original talent (and I’m volontary skipping here the circus aspects and other tricks in music business, like »sexy but fast« or »romantic and gay«). Bartoli is an amazing talent, individual, presence, projection and musical human being. Like all the most important interprets she litteraly becomes the music she sings: an incarnation one may say. But it is true that the whole point here is to reinvent each possible time and a composer by finding the most enlighted and natural entrance to his work (and I don’t mean »something new« but something real). Bartoli sings Cecilia Bartoli’s views and understanding of the music as much as the indivudal who composed it. I find, she often gives you the impression that she actually sings like if she would be standing next to the composer and talk to him (or her, more rarely though). »Opera Proibita« is a selection of Arias from Händel, Scarlatti and Caldara backed by »Les musiciens du Louvre« (conducted by Marc Minkowski – which I might say – I find not very baroque in the overall approach). Try it and don’t worry Bartoli stands perfectely between Beyonce and Missy Elliott.

Cecilia Bartoli
»Opera Proibita«

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