Scott Fields Ensemble


Clean Feed Records

  »Fugu« as you may know is the Japanese fish that may kill you if you don’t cut his back bone properly (and also a French orchestral pop artist’s name). For this project Scott Fields decided to use classical guitar (nylon strings) in order to melt in the rather chamber orchestra line-up (Geoff Brady on percussions, John Padden on Double-Bass, Robert Stright on Vibraphone and Matt Turner on Cello). There is of course plenty of music that could come to your mind just watching at it: New York String trio, many third stream projects, various classical new music, Joe Maneri & Joe Morris or even Polwechsel. But this isn’t really a problem. The precisely instrumentation is a problem for me. Because unfortunately there is nothing that sounds more like a vibraphone than another vibraphone and the same applies easily to nylon string guitar or cello and percussions, unless you make us forget about this tonal and instrumental aspect. Such instrumentarium gives for me like a label on the whole playing, like having a Deutsche Grammophon logo next to your eyes all the way through, and this does really take your concentration away despite the playing here is very interesting as I mentioned last time with the previous Scott Fields album.


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