The cover shows you a Les Paul guitar more or less vintage and supposed to get you into the whole idea via references (from Jimmy Page to Michael Bloomfield and countless other blues rock Les Paul Players). But when you open the case and take the CD out what you see is a computer screen with two electronic mixing desks and an half empty bottle of mineral water. I don’t mean it’s a paradox at all but what is it supposed to learn me? This a blues-rock album in the most repetitive sense of the term and close to what Stevie Ray Vaughan did 20 years ago. It is absolutely perfect as well but in this case it doesn’t really get me anywhere cause it’s pretty much only about »again«, »once more« or »too much«. I guess that album really applies to specialists of the genre who do not wish not go further. If you are one of them you may totally get thrilled as it is really a top class blues rock record. Leave or take.
Henrik Freischlader Band
»The Blues«
Pepper Cake/ZYX Music
Noël Akchoté
Henrik Freischlader Band
Pepper Cake/ZYX Music
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