Stamped on the CD itself, but twice as big as the credits of the album is a little warning: »FBI anti-piracy warning statement«. A sign of the times? Beware of fake artists and always ask your local dealer for »the real shit« (Like Shakira, 50 cents, Moby or Jennifer Lopez)? I’m sure FBI can help you finding out about good music in general (they have a huge nose for it … and two sections only … Made in the USA/Foreign and Evil). However, past the FBI, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with Scofield covering Ray, it s all pretty natural and logic and sort of remains in the family. But The Marketing knows it too good. What do we get here then? a first class Jazz artist and soloist blowing some lines and riffs over backups (no I’m being mean, it’s really a band), a little laidback, a little blues, a little rusty-cheesy-easy also from time to time. It’s the kind of albums that takes you back to crossover times CTI or others, »blow you ass over my band and a set of strings dude, it s all yours«. Frankly I really loved the last trio album of Sco as for this one I’ll let it grow in me for now.
PS: In real, I wouldn’t have mind hearing BB King, Jeff Beck or the late Albert Collins on the same backups…