Cover art »Tidawt« © Will Guthrie, Ahmed Ag Kaedy
Cover art »Tidawt« © Will Guthrie, Ahmed Ag Kaedy

Stress-free, respectful and enjoyable

»Tidawt« is a tape made by Australian drummer Will Guthrie and Malien Tuareg musician Ahmed Ag Kaedy. All profits from the album go to Ag Kaedy, who is in a particularly difficult financial situation, having been displaced from his Northern town of Kidal to the Southern capital of Mali, Bamako.

Will Guthrie is an Australian drummer and percussionist, based in Nantes. Ahmed Ag Kaedy grew up surrounded by the musical heritage of the Tuareg people and started playing music during his military training in Libya. As a man of peace, he traded his rifle for a guitar and returned to his hometown of Kidal in the Northern desert region of Mali. There, he formed the band Amanar. In 2012, Islamic extremists took control of Northern Mali with the support of Tuareg rebels. Ag Kaedy’s home was attacked, his instruments were burned, and the attackers threatened to cut his fingers if he continued playing music. Ag Kaedy was forced to flee to the Southern parts of Mali, specifically to the capital city of Bamako. The »Tidawt« tape is the first collaborative release between Guthrie and Al Kaedy and all profits from the album are dedicated to support Ag Kaedy.

skug: How, where and when did you and Ahmed Ag Kaedy get to know each other? In which context? 

Will Guthrie: We were somewhat brought together by our mutual friend Juuso Paaso who was organising a tour in Finland for Ahmed. Juuso thought we could enjoy playing together and he was right, we toured Finland in Summer 2023 and again Sweden in Winter 2024. 

What do the both of you have in common?

We are both musicians who care a lot about what we are doing, there is a very simple and basic approach to making music together, in a stress-free, respectful and enjoyable way! 

Will Guthrie, Ahmed Ag Kaedy © private

How did you get in contact with Tuareg music? What attracts you in this music? 

I have always loved Tuareg music and never missed an opportunity to see it live whenever possible. The last concert I saw was by Les Filles de Illighadad who I absolutely love. The funny thing is that I had a record by Ahmed for many years and didn’t realise that it was him until one year after I already played with him. 

If you play with Ahmed, do you try to do so in a way that »fits« his music? Or is it, as Keith Rowe says, that one can only do their own thing in collaborations? Or is it a bit of a mix of both?

It’s a bit of a mix, but I definitely want to play in a way that makes sense for Ahmed and the music. I have no interest in pushing my own agenda in this context, I am trying to make the music sound good and Ahmed feel comfortable.

»Tidawt« is released as a tape. Why? Is it important to you, that there’s still an object, a physical form of a release? 

The object is still very much important to us and also a (very, very small) way that we can earn a little money from the sale of music, that is nearly impossible with only online releases. Also, I’m not sure about Ahmed, but I still buy music, and I really love the objects, especially vinyl and tapes.

»Tidawt« tape © Will Guthrie

What does the title of the album »Tidawt« mean?

It means »together« in Tamacheq, which is the language of the Tuareg people. From what I understand it is a word used to bring people together through culture, music et cetera.

The drawings of the two men in the artwork, is that you and Ahmed?

It is meant to be, yes. 

Do you see this album as a political album?

In a way, yes, Ahmed and the Tuareg people have suffered a lot from persecution against their people, as they are considered the »gypsies of the desert«. Also, in recent years with extreme Islam taking more and more place in certain African countries (especially Mali), the Tuaregs from the North of Mali are being persecuted and pushed towards the South, which is where Ahmed is now living (in the capital Bamako). Ahmed’s guitar was taken and destroyed by the Jihadists, and he had to hide his identity just before he left for the South.




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