Various Artists

»Jazzwerkstatt Wien 2005«


I’ve thought of a dozen ways to open this review but the best one is for me to shut up and listen to the fantastic opening of this double album itself: Koller Riff by Salesny’s Hans Koller tribute. Sounds so dense and full that you get thrown back into Mingus workshops and the early Globe Unity Orchestra (If that starts and sustain on such level i’ll soon need 3 pages). Total amazement on every track is here. Bernd Satzinger (Wurlitzer) trio (check out Christian Grobauer on drums), enters the electric Paul Bley era while in »Käfig« a large ensemble plays great tones and colours. Kelomat is a strong quartet with trombone, Alto, Bass and drums á la Tim Berne, Roswell Rudd and Kontra5nett a lovely double bass ensemble while Fuzz Noir enters the more 80’s and early 90’s different jazz forms with a particularly good »Goodrick-ish« Peter Rom on guitar. See, i get simply speechless because indeed and as warmly recommended by Christoph Huber (Mr. Porgy & Bess) this album is from far the most intense and achieved new Austro-Jazz overview. I don’t know when they give prices, awards and subventions, but I would highlite 100% this group of extremely talented musicians now and later. The second CD sees more of these combinations between most of these heard on #1. So much music, so many bands and advanced directions strongly stated already can only make us hope a great future in music here (about 30 years after the first VAO …). 10 stars.


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