A »Pro-Bama« move your ass and your vote will follow soundtrack? What’s this? A foonky strudel? Featuring Erykah Badu and Honey – I really don’t know – maybe the Greatful Dead meets George Clinton? What about better Prince the man known as) meets Snoop Dog featuring Carlos Santana (and Antonio Banderas on cow bell). I dont mean I’m so hermetic to it that I’d rather get any Icelandic Production (by the way check your accounts there), but frankly what is this? Who’s so rich and smoked up in major labels to spend (the credits equals the population of a small town, about) zillions into this lame, un-happening, proto hippie, less than funky, hardly groovy (plus hardly sung anyway)? I don’t know, find out if you like, for myself I’ll skip to next album on my pile.
Erykah Badu
»New Amerykah - Part One ( 4th World War)«
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