Michael Jackson



If you’re now asking yourself why should you bother reading about another imperialistic flag-product, Bambi-Disney type, non-indie production, in skug, I?ll simply answer: because it is very good music too! It?s worth giving a hear to new releases from such a hit maker, major soul artist, voice and showman. He proved to be invincible in his own category (self created) in the past decades and alike Dylan, Bowie or Elvis he remain unique. Recently listening to his fantastic retrospective compilation, (»History«, a double CD), I started to feel how much he always sung the two same songs over and over again, and simply needed to hear it once again. Whether the tracks, albums after albums, are more or less inspired, produced, they always show an incredible amount of time and work spent in studio and on details (voices over-dubbed to perfection, mixes listened and corrected over and over, amazing range and colour given at mastering etc … ). I have to say: it still is a delight, pure pleasure and move to listen to him. Many critics are possibly coming to mind but music and dance are taking you further. Hits are at the rendez-vous (sales too!): »Heaven Can Wait«, »You Rock My World« and maybe »Threatened« or »Butterflies« (an amazing classic soul title with very special rhythm track and choirs, so perfectly laid back and ahead at the same time). Of course you should also cope here with a few dumb ballads (especially »Speechless« and »The Lost Children«) But: I don?t think that »invincible« is such a stupid or wrong name for this album as you might have been reading in few previous press articles. Your own choice, now.

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Noël Akchoté




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