Matthias Vogt Trio


INFRAcom!/ Seduction

A classic piano trio (bass & drums) melting with pop and electronics, songs and looped grooves. I don’t mind a certain dose of fusion and easy music so that I’m rather pleased to hear such a combination of grand piano and open chord changes. Overall it’s very classy and sounds like peaced music. Vogt as a beautiful touch and an inner sense for playing detached and singing melodies on piano. The general atmosphere is also not far from Wayne Shorter’s compositions, really well played and good written. But I’m less sure of the Soul-Jazz parts‘ and when it comes to warm-up the solos and get the trio to take off, Vogt seems a little short in energy (as opposed to harmonies and the like of Pat Metheny Groups). However it’s a rather nice idea and a really good result to start from. Next.


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