After a day of reviews it can happen that you just want to switch on the TV and watch EuroSport-channel, in search for some people actually DOING something as opposed to people pretending to (artists, labels, etc.). There’s an actual massive loss in doing reviews, CD after CD you start to get a picture of the waste. Therefore an album like Koji Asano’s is a sort of bowl of a different air, an open window into reality. Not that i can firmly recommend such a record to all of you cause it is sort of trans-genre, trans-marketing and even gets lost at some points. Koji Asano is a mutant guitar player that involves bits of styles such as heavy metal tapping, noise, fusion and prog-rock. He’s here in a trio set up (drums by Nagata and Otake at the organ, synths) and takes his chance by all possible means. They’re quick, they’re intense, even a little too full and confused sometime. But it’s non formatted music to my ears and gives us a chance to breath in between cleared files, underlined designs to insure the customer of his good taste and so on. 4 stars to Asano.

Koji Asano
Solstice 037
Noël Akchoté
Koji Asano
Solstice 037/

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