When we come down to it the question might as well be: What’s possibly left of Jazz Guitar today in 2008? – A tradition, some contemporaneity, a goal, something else? – Wolfgang Shalk is an Austrian in America (or from Graz to New-York, via a long CV of must do, learn and play, in »Jazz-if-ya-expecta-ta-getta-somewha- toda«). Alright, Here we Go (GabaGabaYeah): A classic Jazz Quartet featuring Geoff Keezer (piano), Dave Carpenter (bass), Marvin Smitty Smith (drums), recorded in Los Angeles on eight original compositions. First of all (track # 1 – »Wanted«), Schalk sounds Uber-Metheny-ish but happens to be real shorty rhythmically, though highly knowledge in harmonies and guitar voicings. Each following track takes you into another reference in jazz guitar actually, all »Quality« delivered. But isn\’t it precisely what sort of killed jazz today? – See, the good point is, if you’d play this album to your Aunt who’s an Opera Fan, or to your nephew who’s into Metallica, they’d both go one voice: That s Jazz! – Cheers Up.
Wolfgang Schalk
Frame Up Music LLC
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