I love surprises. I expected just a late duo album and here I find a serie of radio broadcasts presented by Marian Mc Partland herself. Everyting’s the old fashioned way here: She welcomes guests, talks to them a little and then they play together a lovely piece of music. Well, she is clearly another very important lady from the jazz years. But how should we describe her? A touch of Franoise Sagan, some Agatha Christie as well, maybe a little Simone de Beauvoir too, but not any Courtney Love, no. Mc Partland’s piano playing was always very special, very sharp and tender at the same time. Maybe somewhere (and she’s from the same period too) together with pairs like John Lewis. Here she guests a very aged Lionel Hampton, like old grandpa talkin‘ stories and playing slow but with the same intention in the notes and what you can’t play anymore well you always can send in the clouds. A lovely record, a lovely program and a lovely lady.

Marian Mc Partland
Marian Mc Partland's Piano Jazz

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