Paul Camilleri

»Another Sad Goodbye«

Acis Jazz Records/Echo ZYX music

Produced and Mixed by Pop Chubby says the orange flashy sticker on the cover. What is not said is that Camilleri is a R&B, Blues guitar player and Vocalist from Winterthur ??? Schweiz, which is not exactly a city known for it s honky-tonky-rollin‘ tradition. Nevertheless, Camilleri does pretty good in an area where it’s mostly Blues fans and guitar maniacs (99.98% male?), who’d keep an eye on new records. It’s all alright, the band, the sound of the riffs on his modified Telecaster, the tiny rock`n roll delay on the voice and the tambourine well mixed, behind. While most of us may consider such records complete unnecessary ones, I’d like to mention that there’s anyway so little chances for you or me to get across, that’s nothing to worry too much. A little like in Austria some Thomastik & Infeld (the musical string company) endorsed production for you to listen. Their new series. That doesn’t arm us.


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