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FemFriday: Kerosin95 & Tony Renaissance
4. Juni 2021, 20:00 - 22:00
Concerts / Artist Talk with Kerosin95 & Tony Renaissance
Kerosin95 plays with the uncomfortable and creates socially critical noise. They speak out against sexism in everyday life, questions prosperity and one’s own privileges and makes queer* identities visible. In their music, beats are used without restriction – from boom bap to trap to the experimental.
Tony Renaissance’s liquid emotional landscapes seduce the listener to pursue a queer and dynamic utopia. Their instrumentations are playful: here an angelic voice slips over somber beats and mystical sound-collages, a dizzy synthesizer pulses with the possibilities of an orchestral underscore.
Fem*Friday – a project putting a spotlight on exceptional female* musicians and artists.
Hast du einen Terminvorschlag? Schreib einfach eine Nachricht mit Datum, Ort und Inhaltsbeschreibung an termine@skug.at.