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Netmage 03 – Creative and Innovative Images On Art, Media, Communication

From the 22nd to the 25th of January 2003, the city of Bologna will host the third edition of Netmage, an international festival aimed to explore media innovation within the context of contemporary visual art.
Netmage 03, focussing on multi-media design, live media acts (sound and images played live with an audience) and cutting-edge styling, will work as a meeting point for multi-media artists, vjs, musicians, performers from all over Europe, USA, Japan.

The festival, spread in different locations throughout the city, will include a LiveMedia International Contest with artists selected for the Netmage Diesel award 2003, performances, installations, new productions, a series of special events featuring international guests performing live electronic music along with an innovative use of images, and a series of afternoon workshops. The audience will also have access to a special library containing materials related to artists and guests.

Netmage was conceived and created by Xing, a cultural network operating between Bologna, Milan, Rome and Paris with the purpouse of planning, supporting and promoting products and events characterized by an interdisciplinary approach toward the issues of contemporary culture.

hangar dlFS, Via Stalingrado 12;
Raum, Via Ca‘ Selvatica 4/d;
Teatro San Leonardo, Via San Vitale 67

>> Programm und Termine

info >> info@netmage.it
press >> pressoff@xing.it

>> www.netmage.it
>> www.xing.it

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