velak gala #126

Echoraum Sechshauser Straße 66, Wien

Alessandra Eramo Alessandra Eramo is a Berlin-based sound artist and vocalist who works with performance and installation, text-sound composition, video and drawing, exploring latent acoustic territories of the human voice […]

Die 24 Stunden der Eintagsfliege & Trinklied

Creative Cluter Viktor-Christ-Gasse 10 , 1050 Wien

Leiermann the Organ Grinder – die dritte Drehung 19. Mai 2023, 20.00 Uhr | CREATIVE CLUSTER | Viktor-Christ-Gasse 10 , 1050 Wien 2 Exerzitien zur Stille und zum Rausch von Georg […]

HYPERREALITY Festival for Club Culture 2023

Zukunftshof Rosiwalgasse 41-43, Wien

Hyperreality Festival for Club Culture 2023 will take place on the 19th and 20th of May The line up presents both local and international acts and explores what club culture […]

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