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The Cars We Like
4. März 2024, 18:00
Thinking and Enacting Radical Transformation in Mobility
4-8th of March 2024 @ AIL Vienna
Mobility is one of the major challenges of global ecological transformation and yet our ideas for innovation seem to be very limited and one-sided – especially when it comes to automobility. In this transdisciplinary workshop and symposium, we will work towards overcoming this dead zone of imagination by prefiguring better worlds, beyond an auto-centered paradigm, for the many flourishing worlds of the future.
How can mobility become a source of inspiration in a devastated global society that mostly feels it has to or is obligated to move (to work, to the supermarket, etc.) and tends to forget the joys of doing so voluntarily and as a larger-than human practice?
The environment must no longer be adapted to the car, but the car to the environment is the leading motto of this 5-day-workshop led by the Futurama.Lab. It will focus on introducing plurality and fun to the gray monotony of mundane traffic jams. Participants will be able to build dada-esque, modular forms of radically ecological cars using recycled materials, found objects and bike waste.
The accompanying symposium seeks to go beyond mere critique by combining theory and practice in a novel way. Evening lectures, panels and screenings will investigate radical utopias of car-free worlds, the need to devise new safe spaces beyond the car, the car as a crucial nexus in the consumer-capitalist system and how the arts can take part in this transformation. International experts and visionaries whose perspectives are almost unknown in the German-speaking sphere will be introduced to stimulate a dynamic discourse for the radical change we need.
See you there & all the very best,
Kilian Jörg
Pronouns: feel free to experiment and use whatever you like. I am usually read as „he/him“ but do not really associate myself strongly with masculinity & much rather regard it (in its majoritarian form) as one of the major sources of toxicity that fucked up the planet so far. However, I do know that I am benefiting a lot from privileges such as whiteness and being read as „male“ and do not want to seek easy refuge in appropriating other categories for my mental comfort while still mostly being read as „male“. I invite you and appreciate any other pronoun and attempt to undo our patriarchal normality. Stay with the trouble and down with patriarchy!
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