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sludge content performance w/ Joanna Coleman
25. November 2023, 18:00
sludge content performance w/ Joanna Coleman
Joanna Coleman questions randomization, breaks, distortion, deconstruction and glitches as well as the possibilities of transmedial translation of such techniques. The examination of interference signals and overstimulation investigates how much chance systems can withstand. The stringent rejection of technical jargon becomes a progressive statement against efficiency, gender difference, mansplaining and techno-chauvinism. It is a turn towards dilettantism and error cultures in the sense of self-empowerment and autonomy. The thematization of neoliberal commodification asks what is a ‚good‘ signal and what is a ‚bad‘ signal, what has value. The deliberately initiated sensory overload by means of intense light projections and extreme sounds also takes aspects of a burnout and ADHD generation ad absurdum: too much is happening at the same time. Multitasking to the point of excessive demands, mental risk areas and ecstasy are closely intertwined.
Text: Magdalena Scheicher
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