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Magda Stawarska-Beavan: Ausstellungseröffnung Cross Cut

14. November 2019, 19:00 - 21:00

Eröffnung der Ausstellung „Cross Cut“ der polnischen Multimedia-Künstlerin Magda Stawarska-Beavan inkl. dem zweiten Teil des Vortrags „Colour, Sound and the City; Listening Through a Blindfold“ der aus Sansibar stammenden Turner Price-Gewinnerin Lubaina Himid, audiovisuellen Installationen und einer Lesung von Wolfgang Kindermann.

*** The two exhibitions Close Up/Long Shot at the Polnisches Institut Wien and Cross Cut at projektraumMAG3 encompass audio-visual installations as well as printed graphics and drawings in which Magda Stawarska-Beavan engages with the cultural complexity of urban soundscapes. The artist is interested in the way that the soundscape guides the viewer while unconsciously entering into the memory of the place and itself enabling the construction of personal memories while also providing visitors with an opportunity to explore an unfamiliar location. Magda Stawarska-Beavan invites the viewer to engage with the complex process of inner listening, so enabling an experience of art between dream and reality, knowledge and ignorance, belonging and passing-by. The exhibition will prove a fascinating encounter with the artistic realm of sound. ***

Die Ausstellung ist zu sehen bis 13.12.2019.



14. November 2019
19:00 - 21:00


Schiffamtsgasse 17
Wien, Wien 1020 Österreich
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+43 676 3409218
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