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Eric Arn, Michi Prehofer, Eli Wallace / Michael Fischer, Jörg Zemmler / Slovokult

20. Juni 2024, 19:30

Eric Arn – Guitar
Michi Prehofer – Drums
Eli Wallace – Piano

In November 2023, pianist Eli Wallace played a duo set with violinist Maria do Mar at the Monday Improvisers Session in Vienna. At the event and open session after the opening set, Wallace met guitarist Eric Arn and drummer Michi Prehofer and instantly felt a scintillating musical connection. Therefore, upon Wallace’s return to Vienna, he will team up with Arn and Prehofer for a piano, guitar, and drums trio. Although their similar individual backgrounds in improvised music brought them together, this will be their first concert as an ensemble; we will witness where the music will transport us.

photo: Meghan Desmond

Michael Fisher & Jörg Zemmler:

Michael Fischer / ad hoc soundscaping on three cd players
Jörg Zemmler / ad hoc reading from four books

Michael Fischer is a musician-composer and instant composition conductor, he works on the immanence of language within sounds, their sculptural and dramatic evidence.

Jörg Zemmler is writer, musician, filmmaker and anarchist.

Slovokult :: Berlin

SlovoKult :: Berlin verbindet drei Künste miteinander :: text/vision/sound in einem interdisziplinären, mehrsprachigen, mehrstimmigen, multimedialen, improvisierten Art Happening

Wortschmerz ‡ noisedestotrotz ist das Vorbild für das Konzept des Art Happenings von SlovoKult :: ein Projekt von Elizabeta Kostadinovska :: Kunstwerk/Video + experimentellen Text in mehrsprachiger Polyphonie + wechselnde Klangkünstler:innen, in Wien ist es die #8 mit :

Margaret Unknown

Marcin Morga

Kasho Chualan


20. Juni 2024


Erlgasse 27
Wien, 1120
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