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César Palace / beauchamp*geissler / Nuances d’engrais
3. Februar 2024, 20:00
- César Palace
- beauchamp*geissler
- Nuances d’engrais
beauchamp*geissler’s music doesn’t abide by the rules of musical genres: they juggle multilingual texts, shift between composed and improvised music, intersperse songs and soundscapes. Their distinctive sound makes them unique. based in vienna, the duo consists of marta beauchamp (vocals, cello, electric bass, electronics) and stefan geissler (vocals, keyboards, harmonicas, electronics).Nuances d’engrais is the solo projet of the French sound artist Teddy Larue. Nuances d’engrais layers dark abstract soundscapes, and bright granular sound collages with dancing rhythms and hypnotic dronish atmospheres with break and bass music influence, providing a listening set where the most free and energetic public could dance. He uses a sampler, field recording, granular techniques, generative rhythms, and FX chains.
César Palace is the solo project of French drummer Vincent Redel (ex Electric Electric’s member), currently also involved in the pharaonic band „La Colonie de Vacances”. César Palace blends minimalist music, cosmic drone, and pure rhythms, drawing influences from contemporary music to 90s house/techno and the experimental scene. The result is a tachycardic, percussive, disciplined performance where Vincent embodies a trance-inducing machine, inviting people to dance with nothing but a drum kit and effects pedals.
-> https://beauchamp-geissler.bandcamp.com
-> https://www.teddylarue.com/
-> https://cesarpalace.bandcamp.com/
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