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Bloodbeat #112: Hexenschuss + Rosa Nebel + Motherdrum

1. November 2019, 21:30 - 23:30

Rip it up and start again – Bloodbeat ist der Beat der Jahre 1978 bis ’84, darüber hinaus und in die Jetzt-Zeit. Wir begeben uns auf eine (Party-)Reise von den ersten Versuchen auszubrechen im Punk Rock bis zu Befreiung im Post-Punk/New Wave. Doch die These gilt, dass damit noch lange nicht Schluss war/ist. Bloodbeat folgt dem weiten Experimentierfeld des Post-Punk bis ins Jahr 2018.

Das Bloodbeat-Team präsentiert diesmal:

Keyboard and drums duo Hexenschuss produce fast-paced, sharp and nasty instrumental tracks which merge classic EBM sensibilities with contemporary sound interests. The music is beat-driven and dirty, and shies away neither from experimental nor pop. It attacks all senses with relentless sound textures, sequencer-like beats, and guitar samples. Underneath the apparent simplicity of their hypnotic, repetitive music lies a deep, constantly evolving musicality.


Motherdrum is an instrumental collective founded by Austrian drummer and producer Alexander Yannilos. Instead of a fixed lineup, MD gathers progressive musicians in different combinations around Yannilos’s hybrid drumset. Instead of reciting a set repertoire, it unleashes [con]temporary explosions of sound, burning genre-borders to the ground. Tracks are created on the fly, no rehearsal, no setlist, no undo. The result is a sizzling mix of morphing styles, that can move from Avantgarde Jazz to Broken Beat, grimy Free Funk or Industrial Techno within just a couple of bars.


Rosa Nebel – Sirenen der Aufruhr. Narrative Maschinenmusik. Techno/Industrial/Wave from Vienna.


1. November 2019
21:30 - 23:30


Petersplatz 1
Wien, Wien 1010 Österreich
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